We are the filer and compliance department for your 321 shipments
A dedicated Section 321 entry forwarder who will file Section 321 shipments and facilitate entry.
From set up and review to how to package and ship your products. We support legitimate low value importations, help create your own in house 321 shipments, with knowledge to answer questions and provide proper guidance.
Pricing Schedule
10 Lines or Less
File a Section 321 entry with 10 lines or less. Clearing your goods and allowing your transport company to bring the goods into the commerce of the USA.
Filing pre arrival as appropriate and providing trip number and/or manifest for transport company crossing to cross goods into the USA.
First 100 Lines
Filing of additional lines after the first 100, charged in batches of 100 or partials.
Filing pre arrival as appropriate and providing trip number and/or manifest for transport company crossing to cross goods into the USA.
Advanced Ruling
Per Ruling $1250
Writing and submission of Advanced Ruling.
An Advanced Ruling provides a request to CBP to review and provide a binding ruling on eligibility of merchandise and/or process for 321 imports.
Writing and submission of Advanced Ruling
Every 100 After
File a Section 321 entry with up to 100 lines. Clearing your goods and allowing your transport company to bring the goods into the commerce of the USA.
Filing pre arrival as appropriate and providing trip number and/or manifest for transport company crossing to cross goods into the USA.
Section 321
Per Quote
In depth review as needed to provide guidance for projects and larger inquiries.
For usual shipments and continuing shipments, review ad compliance is included with filing charge.
Detailed review of section 321 eligibility